About us

History of Hipotenusa

Hipotenusa publishes high-level mathematics books since 1990, all of them written by the peruvian mathematician PhD Jorge Saenz, who also happens to be the founder of the publishing house Editorial Hipotenusa in Venezuela.

At one point they became an almost official text for teaching higher mathematics in Venezuela, plus they are recognized in other Spanish-speaking countries for their high pedagogical level.

The humanitarian crisis of Venezuela in 2016 caused an exodus of the student population, leaving universities with no students, a situation that put the survival of the publishing house in danger, in fact, more than 90% of the bookstores disappeared. 

In 2019, Roberto Saenz, Jorge’s son, starts the project of turning Editorial Hipotenusa, the publishing house, into a science education trademark. The first goal is the translation of our books, which are the greatest asset of Hipotenusa.

"Mathematics has given me everything I have"

-Jorge Sáenz

Jorge had the opportunity to teach mathematics at several universities across the continent, including Columbia and Notre Dame, yet his origins are very humble.

He grew up as one of the 70 million poor children in Latin America.

Prior to become a Mathematician with a doctorate in Differential Geometry in the United States, Jorge was a high school teacher in Peru.

This experience taught him how to effectively communicate mathematical concepts to students of all levels.

Our Goal

Hipotenusa shares the same ideal as Jorge, that is, giving support to young people from third world countries in their professional development, also contributing to the progress of their countries.

We share exclusive content on our website, in addition to giving away printed books to young students from three Latin American countries.

Our books are in the process of translation, and we expect to reach new readers from different countries in the years to come.